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Schütterlettenweg 6
85053 Ingolstadt

Telefon 0841 - 6233 0
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Simulation model


Running gear and chassis


A true-to-original structure of a vehicle model on a scale of 1:2 is to be produced for wind tunnel tests.


Extremely high precision in the design of the individual components so that inferences from the wind tunnel tests can be realistically transferred to the original vehicles.


The components produced by staff up to that point indicated excessively high
deviations from the original components. In the surface edges and borders, in particular, the test results could not be transferred to the original vehicles.
Narrow time window for realisation.


Craftsmanship and detailed material knowledge, combined with cutting-edge technologies, helped to satisfy customers' requirements.
Measurements in the customer's testing laboratory yielded deviations of +/- 300 in the surface and trimming area e.g. of an engine cover for a racing vehicle at a scale of 1:2.


Several complete vehicles including components with original functionality at a scale of 1:2 have been ordered. The results obtained from these in wind tunnel measurements could thus be used in the construction of the original components of the racing vehicle.

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